The story revolves around Omar Al-Hamzawi, a lawyer who lives with his wife Zainab and their two daughters Jamila and Buthaina. Omar has many thoughts about life and existence. After his illness, he travels to Alexandria to get out of his depression, but it increases after his return. His orientations change after his return and he becomes a nightclub goer. He also gets to know the singer Margaret and many other women after that. His life changes again towards isolation, Sufism, and reading the Quran.
Cast and Crew
Mahmoud Moursy
Ahmed Mazhar
Mariam Fakhr Eddine
Bader El Den Jamgome
Sayed Abdallah
Adib El Tarabolsy
Mahmoud El Iraqi
Dina Abd Allah
Videos & Trailers
الفيلم العربي - الشحات - بطولة مريم فخر الدين ومحمود مرسي ونيللي