A series of sudden murders unfold in the city of Varanasi, targeting prominent individuals. The escalating violence shocks the local police as they grapple with the growing list of victims. As the investigation progresses, an auto driver named Dulu Mia emerges as the key suspect. The police must unravel the mystery behind the serial killings and uncover the motives driving these tragic events.
Cast and Crew
Shakib Khan
Dulu Mia
Sonal Chauhan
Rahul Dev
Payel Sarkar
Police Officer
Rajesh Sharma
Biswajit Chakraborty
Imtu Ratish
Jessia Islam
Safa Marua
Videos & Trailers
DOROD (দরদ) - Official Trailer | Shakib Khan |Sonal Chauhan |Anonno Mamun | Paayel Sarkar |Rahul Dev
Dorod (দরদ) | Official Teaser | Shakib Khan | Sonal Chauhan | Anonno Mamun | Eskay Movies