The true story of Jho Low, a mysterious businessman, and playboy, as he masterminds a scheme to exploit a sovereign wealth fund in Malaysia, 1MDB. With the collaboration of Prime Minister Najib Razak, Low funnels billions into global bank accounts to fuel his extravagant lifestyle, including Hollywood parties and even financing "The Wolf of Wall Street."
Cast and Crew
Jho Low
Self (archive footage)
Najib Razak
Self - Former Prime Minister of Malaysia
Clare Rewcastle Brown
Self - Investigative Journalist, Sarawak Report
Xaiver Justo
Self - Whistle Blower / Former Director of Perosaudi, London
Anwar Ibrahim
Self - Former Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia
Tommy Thomas
Self - Former Attorney General of Malaysia
Tony Pua
Self - Former Member of Malaysia Parliament
Bill McMurray
Self - Retired FBI Agent: International Corruption Squad