In the wake of their Amma's deteriorating health, estranged brothers Rajesh and Shiva reunite, only to clash over BREATHE, an app offering to erase painful memories from their brains. Rajesh, a realist, and Shiva, a BREATHE addict, grapple with divergent approaches to coping. Against the backdrop of a society seduced by memory erasure, their battle becomes a poignant exploration of family, culture, technology, and the human spirit's resilience.
Cast and Crew
Shrevy Venkatesh
Wasim Azeez
Anita Bajpay
Sònia Victoria Werner
Breathe Spokesperson
Anvita Gattani
Hospice Worker
Nihar Duvvuri
Young Rajesh
Videos & Trailers
ALONE, ALONE, ALONE ON A WIDE, WIDE SEA | Official Lighthouse Ladies Trailer HD (2023)