

Our Children's River


15 mins

The Plot

Across the Amazon, Indigenous guards are unarmed patrols that peacefully defend ancestral territories against threats like oil, mining and poaching. They use diverse technologies to monitor their lands, and when necessary, force out illegal operations and actors. Most of this daily work, which involves lengthy hikes and patient observation, goes unseen. This film depicts the process of the Indigenous Guard: its patrols, its watchful vigilance over the landscape, and its support of the community. Their work as guards helps ensure that destruction in the Amazon doesn’t advance, and that their community has the vital space it needs to live life on their own terms.

Cast and Crew

Graciella Quenama

Graciella Quenama

Nixon Andy Narvaez

Nixon Andy Narvaez

Edison Lucitante

Edison Lucitante

Morelia Medua

Morelia Medua

Videos & Trailers

Our children's river (trailer)

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