

Glad you're Out


15 mins

The Plot

Late-blooming Cole enters a chaotic house party where a basement punk show awaits. As he descends, his anxious inner thoughts become reflected through ten characters in their early 20s.

Cast and Crew

Matthew Moir

Matthew Moir

Chantal Grace

Chantal Grace

Hannah Ehman

Hannah Ehman

Amanda Custodio

Amanda Custodio

Kalesha McKoy

Kalesha McKoy

Devin Ross

Devin Ross

Micheala Snoyer

Micheala Snoyer

Még Hermès

Még Hermès

Mick Robertson

Mick Robertson

Katherine Ross

Katherine Ross

Iva Celebic

Iva Celebic

Videos & Trailers

Glad you're Out (Teaser Trailer)

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