Kôsuke Kindaichi, a somewhat peculiar private detective, visits a remote town. He meets a police detective and they start to investigate an old unsolved murder. Then some murders happen. Kindaichi must find out about the past in order to reveal who the murderer is.
Cast and Crew
Koji Ishizaka
Kosuke Kindaichi
Tomisaburō Wakayama
Insp. Isokawa
Keiko Kishi
Rika Aochi (proprietress of the Kamenoyu)
Akiko Nishina
Chie Bessho (Harue's daughter)
Koji Kita
Kanao Aochi (Rika's son)
Yoko Takahashi
Yasuko Yura (Atsuko's daughter, Toshiro's younger sister)