In the small town of Secret Gardens, the mayor's rebellious daughter falls in love with the misunderstood town outcast, forcing her to choose between family loyalty and the freedom to follow her heart as scandal threatens to unravel both their lives.
Cast and Crew
Gabby Gurreonero
Lucy Bolter
Justin Joseph Rotolo
Jack London
Jason McCoy
Mayor Bolter
Carrie Bowley
Mrs. Bolter
Holden Bowley
Peter Bolter
Cameron Bowley
Robin Bolter
Madison Lester
Abby Landman
Lucas DiRoma
Paper Boy
Landen Engler
The Daily Manuscript Reporter
Taylor Falzarano
Photographer #1
Annalise Blomberg
Photographer #2
Videos & Trailers
“But Daddy, I Love Him!” TRAILER | A Fan-Made Taylor Swift Music Video Short Film