On February 24th, 2022, Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The war has since killed thousands, displaced millions and destroyed entire cities. Despite international appeals for Volodymyr Zelensky, and his family, to be evacuated to a safe location during the opening days of the invasion, the 44-year-old president stayed in Kyiv with his defence forces. It's hard to imagine how this bright, comedic, family man, has ended up in one of the most dangerous positions in the world, with a giant target on his back. 10 months on, and still fighting from the ground, Zelensky has been named TIME Person of the Year 2022. With comparisons to Winston Churchill, as a war time leader, his impact is undeniable. Utilising his acting skills he is embodying everything it means to have the spirit of Ukraine.
Cast and Crew
Ivan Eyre
Self (voice)
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Olga Želenská-Drápalová
Vladimir Putin
Self (archive footage)
Mark Rutte
Boris Johnson
Justin Trudeau
Guy Walters
Bulent Gokay
Boris Starling
Videos & Trailers
Zelenskyy: Spirit Of Ukraine | Official Trailer | Volodymyr Zelenskyy