Out of the Shaw Brothers vaults comes My Darling Genie, an amiable early-eighties comedy starring the enchanting Cherie Chung. Derek Yee is Cheng, a brusque construction worker who discovers a magical umbrella on a routine dig. When the umbrella is opened and sprinkled with water, a 200 year-old genie arrives to grant the owner's wishes. As if that weren't enough, this genie happens to look like Cherie Chung! Cheng has been given a virtual ticket to Heaven, but he's more annoyed than grateful, and uses the Genie to perform mostly menial tasks.
Cast and Crew
Cherie Chung Cho-Hung
Qing, the Genie
Derek Yee Tung-Sing
Stanley Fung Shui-Fan
Uncle Fan
James Yi Lui
Lin Guo Ren
Liu Lai-Ling
Alan Chan Kwok-Kuen
Ren's asst
To Siu-Ming
Ren's asst / Ming
Charlie Cho Cha-Lee
Rich gambler
Elvis Tsui Kam-Kong
Gam Biu
David Lam Wai
Videos & Trailers
My Darling Genie 我愛神仙遮 (1984) **Official Trailer** by Shaw Brothers