A mischievous, adventuresome fourteen-year-old girl and her best friend begin following an eccentric concert pianist around New York City after she develops a crush on him.
Cast and Crew
Peter Sellers
Henry Orient
Tippy Walker
Valarie Campbell Boyd
Merrie Spaeth
Marian 'Gil' Gilbert
Paula Prentiss
Stella Dunnworthy
Angela Lansbury
Isabel Boyd
Tom Bosley
Frank Boyd
Phyllis Thaxter
Mrs. Avis Gilbert
Bibi Osterwald
Erica 'Boothy' Booth
John Fiedler
Fred Stewart
Al Lewis
Store Owner
Peter Duchin
Joe Daniels
Philippa Bevans
Emma Hambler
Jerry Jarrett
(as Jerry Jerrett)
Jane Buchanan
Lillian Kafritz
Peter Turgeon
Orchestra Member
William Hinnant
Colin Romoff
William LeMassena
(as William Le Massena)
Claudia Morgan
Drunk Woman at Christmas Party
Videos & Trailers
The World of Henry Orient (1964) ORIGINAL TRAILER [HD 1080p]