Fifteen years have passed since the Martians’ first failed invasion of Earth. The year is 1914, and at the eve of World War I, Mars launches a sudden and more devastating second attack. A small defense force, A.R.E.S., is Earth’s only hope. The giant A.R.E.S. battle tripod GOLIATH is called up to war, and its young multinational crew must face their fears in their struggle to save Humanity from the alien invaders.
Cast and Crew
Beau Billingslea
Abraham Douglas
Jim Byrnes
Theodore Roosevelt
Tony Eusoff
Lieutenant Raja Iskandar Shah
Elizabeth Gracen
Lt.Jennifer Carter
Adrian Paul
Patrick O'Brien
James Arnold Taylor
German Soldiers / Russian Soldiers
Peter Wingfield
Capt.Eric Wells
Amelia Henderson
Young girl
Susan Lankester
Christine Wells
Adam Baldwin
Gavin Yap
Videos & Trailers
War of the Worlds Goliath Official Trailer 1 (2014) - Animated Sci-Fi Movie HD