This hilariously smart satire tells the story of Johnny Vince, a swingin' hepcat who meets hitman Sam and Harvey on a road trip to pull a "botched robbery" in Las Vegas. Along the way they take a deeply unfulfilled not-so-good-girl hostage, encounter the mysterious Mechanic, get harassed by a foul-mouthed answering machine... and did we mention the lesbians? The result - hilarity ensues!
Cast and Crew
Paget Brewster
Neil Barton
Sam Saperstein
Ashley Head
Eric Hoffman
Harvey Hirschberg
Brian Krow
Memento Guy
Darren Keefe Reiher
Johnny Vince
Averill Kessee
Surprise Chocolate Lover
Jeanelle Smith
Heather Picture
Saba Homayoon
Heather (voice)
Jason Mewes
Answering Machine (voice)
Gregory Gifford Giles
Company of Men Guy / Gay Husband / Understanding Husband