Gabi, a supermarket employee, leads an ordinary life between family and job, between single-family home and local food store. One day when Gabi comes home from work, something happens that changes her life in a single moment. It isn’t visible, it makes no sound, and yet it strikes her like a bolt from the sky – an encounter with God.
Cast and Crew
Ulrike Beimpold
Gabi Kovanda
Rainer Wöss
Hannes Kovanda
Nikolai Gemel
Ronnie Kovanda
Angelika Strahser
Sabine Kovanda
Thomas Mraz
Georg Mikesch
Sibylle Kos
Michael Scherff
Simon Jaritz
Zeuge Jehovas
Kati Zambito
Zeuge Jehovas
Videos & Trailers
SUPERWELT - HD Trailer deutsch | Ab 20.3.2015 im Kino.