

T. Rex Autopsy


88 mins

The Plot

Imagine a biology lab filled by a 40-foot specimen, ready for dissection. The creature has skin like a crocodile, eyes the size of softballs and intestines large enough to fit your arm. T. rex Autopsy will go inside a full-size T. rex for the first time ever to reveal how the 65-million-year-old beast may have lived. Using cutting-edge special effects techniques, and in collaboration with esteemed veterinary surgeons, anatomists and paleontologists, T. rex Autopsy will build the world’s first full-size anatomically precise Tyrannosaurus rex, based on the very latest research and findings. The massive monster will be lifelike inside and out, giving scientists the chance to touch it, smell it, scan it, x-ray it and cut it open from head to toe.

Cast and Crew

Matthew T. Mossbrucker

Matthew T. Mossbrucker

Self - Presenter

Tori Herridge

Tori Herridge

Self - Presenter

Steve Brusatte

Steve Brusatte

Self - Presenter

Luke Gamble

Luke Gamble

Self - Presenter

Salvatore Vecchio

Salvatore Vecchio

Narrator (voice)

Videos & Trailers

T. Rex Autopsy - Trailer | Nat Geo WILD
T. rex: Behind the Build | T.rex Autopsy
T. Rex Autopsy | National Geographic UK

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