David Cardew, a talented sculptor, lives an idyllic life in the English countryside with his wife, Laura, and their two children. But his happiness spoils as he becomes increasingly fixated on the idea that Laura is having an affair with a young cellist, Anton Falk. The three attend a fête where David watches Anton and Laura during a ballet about brutal and violent revenge - and his obsession begins to take an even darker turn....
Cast and Crew
Stewart Rome
David Cardew
Frances Doble
Laura Cardew
Hugh Morton
Anton Falk
Kate Cutler
Laura's Mother
Una O'Connor
Mrs Weaks, the housekeeper
Jill Clayton
Jill Cardew
Jack Clayton
Jack Cardew
Sidney Morgan
Tim, the gardener
Lydia Lopokova
Russian Ballet Dancer (Wife)
Anton Dolin
Russian Ballet Dancer (Lover)
George Balanchine
Russian Ballet Dancer (Husband)
Videos & Trailers
Dance sequence from Dark Red Roses (1929) George Balanchine