The film follows Xu Lai, a former artist whose dreams were dashed when the responsibilities of life set in. With his life now revolving around his wife Cai Bo who is obsessed with having children, the quirks of his eccentric family and his mediocre, ordinary existence, Xu Lai hopes to reconnect with his first love Yang YIi on an upcoming vacation. However, his hopes are dashed when he finds himself wrapped up in a murder investigation that proves truth is often stranger than fiction.
Cast and Crew
Xu Zheng
Xu Lai
Zhao Wei
Bao Bei Er
Cai Lala
Du Juan
Yang Yi
Eric Kot Man-Fai
Sam Lee
Pan Hong
Zhao Youliang
Spinach's Father
Zhu Yuanyuan
Wang Xun
Steven Fung Min-Hang
Yuen Ngai-Hung
Taxi Driver
Richard Ng Yiu-Hon
Elevator Patron
Tao Hong
Jerry Lamb Hiu-Fung
Lam Suet
Johnnie Kong Yeuk-Shing
Tenky Tin Kai-Man
Wong Jing
Bobby Yip Kin-Sang
Paul Che Biu-Law
Kingdom Yuen King-Tan
Lawrence Cheng Tan-Shui
Jacquline Chong Si-Man
Jim Chim Sui-Man
Videos & Trailers
LOST IN HONG KONG - The "Real" Teaser Trailer (Eng sub)