Ricky Bagaskoro (Rizky Nazar), high school student, is in a dilemma: to pursue his dream of becoming teachers for displaced children or to follow the wishes of his father, Bagas Notolegowo (Ray Sahetapy), to continue his study to the highest level. Bagas hopes Ricky will follow in his footsteps of being a politician. Bagas is struggling to become president of Indonesia 2014-2019 to replace President Jusuf Syahrir (Deddy Sutomo). Preoccupations make his relationship with Ricky tenuous. Ricky does not agree with his father's steps. Ningrum (Donna Harun), a faithful wife and mother, always tries to unify them. The competition to the presidency between Bagas Notolegowo, Faisal Abdul Hamid (Rudy Salam) and Syamsul Triadi (Akri Patrio) is very tight. Bagas makes a careless step. One simple decision makes all his dreams shattered .
Cast and Crew
Ray Sahetapy
Bagas Notolegowo
Rizky Nazar
Ricky Bagaskoro
Donny Damara
Krishna Dorojatun
Maudy Ayunda
Rudy Salam
Faisal Abdul Hamid
Atiqah Hasiholan
Iptu Astri
Rio Dewanto
Donna Harun
Donna Harun
Bripka Whisnu
Deddy Sutomo
Jusuf Syahrir
Fauzan Smith
Akri Patrio
Syamsul Triadi
Yayu Unru
Hakim Ketua
Ozzol Ramdan
Fadhika R.
Asha Thohir
Wiwing Dirgantara
Nicholas Sada
Arief Rivan
Trisa Triandesa
Zacky Afdjani
Norman R. Akyuwen
Richard Alino
Isyana Bagoes Oka
Rahma Sarita
Sharena Gunawan
Marcelo Faria
Moch. Achir
Titi Dibyo
Mario Bima
Wanto Dulmuluk
Bobby Tince
Adam Lubis
Gadiza Fauzi
Avianto Nugroho
Rino Kristanto
Helmi Harun
Ahmad Ramadhan Alrasyid
Margareth Fareda
Indi Saputra
Merry Kirana
Dhoni Ramadhan
Tya Arifin
Martua H. Aritonang
Riri Pohan
Norman Naya
Erland Herlambang
Ari Yandhi
Agus Julian
Sheila Octarina
Ade Firman Hakim
Jaran Noylum
Shanty Widihastuti
Celerina Judisari
Dian Permata Purnamasari
Videos & Trailers
Official Trailer Film "2014" - Siapa Di Atas Presiden by Rahabi Mandra & Hanung Bramantyo