Picks up the narrative of the hapless James Mitchum from a point following his dreadful realization at the conclusion of Jimmy’s End. In a grotesque parody of Egyptian funerary rites, James is shepherded less than gently into his unenviable afterlife.
Cast and Crew
Andrew Buckley
Robert 'Bobbles the Clown' Hopley
Darrell D'Silva
James Mitchum
Khandie Khisses
Beryl Clarke
Steffen Peddie
Videos & Trailers
Alan Moore & Mitch Jenkins - 'Show Pieces' (Official Trailer)
Alan Moore & Mitch Jenkins - His Heavy Heart (Official Trailer)
"Alan Moore & Mitch Jenkins: His Heavy Heart" by Emile Rafael
Alan Moore & Mitch Jenkins - His Heavy Heart - Kickstarter - Part 3: Rewards
Alan Moore & Mitch Jenkins - His Heavy Heart - Kickstarter - Part 2: The Collaborators
Alan Moore & Mitch Jenkins - His Heavy Heart - Kickstarter - Part 1: An Urgent Appeal