Nike's Black Mamba film, starring Kobe Bryant, made its debut at the NBA All Star Weekend. The almost six-minute film, directed by action director Robert Rodriguez and with cameos from Bruce Willis, Danny Trejo and Kanye West, highlights the new Nike Zoom Kobe VI.
Cast and Crew
Kobe Bryant
Robert Rodriguez
Danny Trejo
The Crippler
Bruce Willis
Mister Suave
Kanye West
The Boss
Jamal Duff
Morretti Brother #1
John Duff
Morretti Brother #2
Onya Ibekwe
Goon #1
Anthony Barlow
Goon #2
Darin Rossi
Videos & Trailers
Kobe Bryant "Black Mamba" Nike Commercial: Starring Bruce Willis & Kanye West (Official Trailer 2)