Working as an ordinary artist on Bai Ze's comic project The Legend of Demon Sea has aspiring artist Feng Xue feeling like wasted talent. To vent his frustration, he begins another version the project, filling the illustrated adventures of an alchemy master with mythic parallels to his daily grind. With his comics Feng takes vengeance whenever he's slighted or passed over in the studio, drawing his colleagues and boss into unflattering scenes. But when Bai Ze discovers an illustrated version of himself suffering under Feng's brush, he's far from angry. He praises Feng Xue for his originality, and takes the new draft to his boss. This is when Bai Ze also learns what it means to be frustrated at work, challenging him to choose between what he believes in and what his job demands.
Cast and Crew
Sammul Chan
Bai Ze
Yu Hanbing
Fang Xue
Bryan Leung Kar-Yan
Uncle Long
Jin Song
Nina Wu
Zhu Jiaqi
Li Tianye
Zhen Shenjing
Zhang Xinna
Zhou Haodong
Boss Luo
Lilyice Yu
Karen Li
Ying Chen
Bryan Leung
Guo Ziheng
Barbarian Chieftan A
Ben Ng Ngai-Cheung
Videos & Trailers
Legend of the Demon Seal (封魔传, 2019) chinese fantasy trailer