

Mobile Suit Gundam: Twilight AXIS Remain of the Red


26 mins

The Plot

Set months after the events of Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, the story focuses on two former Principality of Zeon Remnants, Former Weapons Developer Arlette Almage and Former Test Pilot Danton Hyleg. Both of them are hired by the Earth Federation Forces research team to investigate the remains of the asteroid base Axis. But upon their arrival, they encounter a Cyber Newtype, Quentin Fermo, who pilots the mysterious mobile suit, the RX-78AN-01 Gundam AN-01. Tristan attacks them for unknown reasons.

Cast and Crew

Risa Shimizu

Risa Shimizu

Arlette Almage (voice)

Shuhei Sakaguchi

Shuhei Sakaguchi

Danton Hyleg (voice)

Daisuke Ono

Daisuke Ono

Mehmet Merca (voice)

Toshiki Masuda

Toshiki Masuda

Quentin Fermo (voice)

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