When a notorious fiend known as the "Bat Without Wings" returns to his small village after a five-year absence and kidnaps a young maiden, it's up to her family and a resourceful swordsmen to brave the horrors of the underworld to bring her back home alive.
Cast and Crew
Derek Yee Tung-Sing
Xiao Qi
Ching Li
Szma Dongcheng
Wang Yong
Chief Lei Xun
Tang Ching
Bat without Wings
Susanna Au-Yeung Pui-San
Lei-feng / Ximen Luoye
Ku Kuan-Chung
Han Shen
Ku Feng
Szma Zhongyuan
Jason Pai Piao
Lau Wai-Ling
Wu Liang
Liu Lai-Ling
Ai Fei
Leng Qiuyun
Shum Lo
Yang Chi-Ching
Keeper Feng
Yuen Bun
Wang Wuxie
Yuen Wah
Xu Fang
Ching Miao
Shangguan Wangsun
Chan Shen
Ghost King
Ngai Tim-Choi
Escort captain
Videos & Trailers
Bat Without Wings 無翼蝙蝠 (1980) **Official Trailer** by Shaw Brothers