Thirteen years after the original Robocop, Delta City, considered to be "The Safest Place On Earth!", has become a futuristic city owned and operated by OCP, and RoboCop, Alex Murphy has begun to feel his age. Murphy finds himself nearly obsolete, and must deal with the fact that his now-grown son James is an OCP executive, unaware that his father is still alive. Also, Murphy's former partner, John Cable, has returned to Delta City as its new Security Commander. But slowly, new enemies arise, and Murphy and Cable begin an investigation into a mysterious villain known as the Bone Machine, unaware that they are coming dangerously close to exposing an evil group of OCP executives known as The Trust... which James Murphy is a part of. Desperate to prevent their sinister plans from being revealed, The Trust programs Murphy to kill John Cable...
Cast and Crew
Page Fletcher
Alex J. Murphy / RoboCop
Maurice Dean Wint
John Terrence Cable / RoboCable
Maria del Mar
Sara Cable
Geraint Wyn Davies
David Kaydick
Leslie Hope
Ann R. Key
Anthony Lemke
James Murphy
Anthony J. Mifsud
Chuck Conflagration
Rebeka Coles-Budrys
Videos & Trailers
RoboCop: Prime Directives - Crash & Burn (Trailer)