

Carry Me Home: A Remember America Film


20 mins

The Plot

In the cold winter of 1860, a young mother trapped in slavery seizes the opportunity to escape with her family when she encounters HARRIET TUBMAN (Karen Abercrombie, War Room). Harriet leads the young family through a number of trials on the Underground Railroad, causing them all to question whether or not freedom is worth the price they must pay to obtain it.

Cast and Crew

Karen Abercrombie

Karen Abercrombie

Harriet Tubman

Lindsey Grimble-Adams

Lindsey Grimble-Adams

Maria Ennals

Joel Ashur

Joel Ashur

Stephen Ennals

Ray Hilton

Ray Hilton


Katherine Prickett

Katherine Prickett


Monica DePaul

Monica DePaul


Amar Atkins

Amar Atkins

Spritual Singer

Caleb Bressler

Caleb Bressler

Ticket Taker

Jeff Hackenberger

Jeff Hackenberger

Green Home Resident

Mitch Hudson

Mitch Hudson

Plantation Worker

Joshua Lehman

Joshua Lehman

Anti-Abolitionist 1

Kyle McCleary

Kyle McCleary

Anti-Abolitionist 2

Octavia Sithole

Octavia Sithole

Enslaved Female

Denver Taylor

Denver Taylor

Whipping Victim

Christopher Utterback

Christopher Utterback

Slave Owner

Videos & Trailers

Dayspring Christian Academy - Carry Me Home Official Trailer

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