Shinichi Tsuda, a Naoki Prize winning author, is working to publish his newest story. It revolves around Tsuyama, a driver for a call girl business in Toyama Prefecture, who comes across a mysterious counterfeit bill and has his life targeted by underworld kingpin Kurata. Is his story fact or fiction? His editor, Nahomi Torikai, decides to verify whether his latest work is mere fiction based on real-life experiences. She looks into a family that vanished, a post office worker who went missing, a shady load of cash, the whereabouts of the doves, and the fateful encounter from that night... A series of shocking facts are revealed from Tsuda’s stories. Why did the counterfeit money end up in Tsuda’s hands? What is the “ending” that Tsuda wished to portray?
Cast and Crew
Tatsuya Fujiwara
Shinichi Tsuda
Tao Tsuchiya
Nahomi Torikai
Shunsuke Kazama
Hideyoshi Kochi
Nanase Nishino
Aimi Satsukawa
Yuki Sakurai
Hayato Kakizawa
Taro Suruga
Kenta Hamano
Ryo Iwamatsu
Jun Murakami
Maki Sakai
Gaku Hamada
Mickey Curtis
Lily Franky
Etsushi Toyokawa
Kenjiro Kurata
Bunichi Hamanaka
Arata Sato
Yoshiyuki Morishita
Kanna Mori
Masato Yano
Anna Tsuihiji
Wan Marui
Sei Ando
Kei Ishibashi
Ryo Sato
Kuu Izima
Kōji Furukawa
Videos & Trailers
Every Trick in the Book (2021) 鳩の撃退法 - Movie Trailer - Far East Films