Meiko Kaji reprises her role as Nami, a vengeful female gang leader, in the second installment of this high-action series that casts a new actor -- martial arts legend Sonny Chiba -- in the role of Nami's loyal friend Ryuji. This time around, Nami is looking for Hoshiden, the man who murdered her father and shattered her once-hopeful childhood. But living under an assumed name, Hoshiden could stay hidden forever.
Cast and Crew
Meiko Kaji
Sonny Chiba
Junzaburō Ban
Yukie Kagawa
Tamayo Mitsukawa
Shingo Yamashiro
Tōru Yuri
Hideo Murota
Videos & Trailers
Wandering Ginza Butterfly 2: She-Cat Gambler (1972) 銀蝶流れ者 牝猫博奕 - Movie Trailer - Far East Films