

Big Sky




SE 2

The Plot

Big Sky is an Australian television drama series produced by John Edwards that ran for two seasons on Network Ten from 1997 to 1999. The show centred on the adventures of the pilots of a small aviation company in Australia called "Big Sky Aviation" and the battles of the owner to keep the company running. Chief pilot Chris Manning is determined to look after his team, even if that conflicts with the new boss, Lauren Allen, who has inherited the company following the death of her father.

Season 1


Cast and Crew

Gary Sweet

Gary Sweet

Chris Manning

Martin Henderson

Martin Henderson

Scotty Gibbs

Rhys Muldoon

Rhys Muldoon

Jimbo James

Tim Campbell

Tim Campbell

Blake Wallace

Bille Brown

Bille Brown


Danielle Nuss

Danielle Nuss

Paula Niessen

Robyn Cruze

Robyn Cruze

Shay McWilliam

Peta Brady

Peta Brady

Rosie Day

Videos & Trailers

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