Mighty Orbots is an American/Japanese Super robot animated series created in a joint collaboration of TMS Entertainment and Intermedia Entertainment in association with MGM/UA Television. It was directed by veteran anime director Osamu Dezaki and features character designs by Akio Sugino. The series aired from September 8, 1984 to December 15, 1984 on Saturday mornings in the United States on ABC and later on in Japan by Animax, totaling up to 13 episodes.
Season 1
Cast and Crew
Don Messick
Crunch (Voice) / Commander Rondu (Voice)
Robert Ridgely
Gary Owens
Jennifer Darling
Dia (Voice)
Barry Gordon
Rob Simmons (Voice)
Sherry Alberoni
Bo (Voice)
Julie Bennett
Boo (Voice)
Noelle North
Ohno (Voice)
Jim MacGeorge
Bort (Voice)
Videos & Trailers
Mighty Orbots Anime English Intro Opening Theme HD