

This Is the Life



SE 1

The Plot

This Is the Life is an American Christian television dramatic series. This anthology series aired in syndication from the 1950s through the 1980s. The series was originally produced by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, and distributed by the International Lutheran Laymen's League. It spun off from an earlier series called The Fisher Family, with Nelson Leigh as Pastor Martin being the transitional character and in the same suburban town setting.

Season 1


Cast and Crew

Charles Aidman

Charles Aidman

Aron Kincaid

Aron Kincaid

Forrest Taylor

Forrest Taylor

Conchata Ferrell

Conchata Ferrell

James Hong

James Hong

Nelson Leigh

Nelson Leigh

Onslow Stevens

Onslow Stevens

Rebecca Balding

Rebecca Balding

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