





SE 1

The Plot

Chessgame is a British television series produced by Granada Television for the ITV network in 1983. Based on a series of novels by Anthony Price, the series dealt with the activities of a quartet of counter-intelligence agents: David Audley, Faith Steerforth, Nick Hannah and Hugh Roskill. One series of six episodes was made. ⁕The Alamut Ambush ⁕Enter Hassan ⁕The Roman Collection ⁕Digging up the Future ⁕Flying Blind ⁕Cold Wargame The series was rebroadcast as three TV movies in 1986 called The Alamut Ambush, The Deadly Recruits, and The Cold War Killers.

Season 1


Cast and Crew

Terence Stamp

Terence Stamp

David Audley

Robin Sachs

Robin Sachs

Michael Culver

Michael Culver

Carmen du Sautoy

Carmen du Sautoy

John Grillo

John Grillo

Carolyn Colquhoun

Carolyn Colquhoun

Grace Appleby

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