

Hidden Faces




SE 1

The Plot

Hidden Faces is an American soap opera that aired on NBC from December 30, 1968 to June 27, 1969. The series was created by Irving Vendig, who also created the long-running Procter & Gamble serial The Edge of Night. The serial focused on a law firm that was dealing with a high profile murder case throughout its 127-episode run. Some of the show's stars were Conard Fowkes, Louise Shaffer, Tony Lo Bianco, Stephen Joyce, and a very young Linda Blair.

Season 1


Cast and Crew

Linda Blair

Linda Blair

Allyn Jaffe

Tony Lo Bianco

Tony Lo Bianco

Nick Capello Turner

Louise Shaffer

Louise Shaffer

Maratha Logan

Rita Gam

Rita Gam

Mimi Jaffe

Gretchen Walther

Gretchen Walther

Dr. Katherine Logan

Conard Fowkes

Conard Fowkes

Arthur Adam

Videos & Trailers

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