


SE 2

The Plot

Seven years have passed since Ultraman Trigger protected the world from various threats. In the present, Kanata Asumi, who is a positive young man, peacefully lives together with his grandpa. One day, while delivering ordered food, he witnessed a catastrophe: Spheres from the outer space attack Earth and Mars. Motivated by saving the precious lives of the people, he merges with Ultraman Decker and joins GUTS-Select, in order to protect what's important.



Cast and Crew

Hiroki Matsumoto

Hiroki Matsumoto

Kanata Asumi

Yūka Murayama

Yūka Murayama

Kirino Ichika

Nobunaga Daichi

Nobunaga Daichi

Ryumon Soma

Sae Miyazawa

Sae Miyazawa

Kaizaki Sawa

Masaya Kikawada

Masaya Kikawada

Murahoshi Taiji

Hiroshi Tsuchida

Hiroshi Tsuchida

HANE2 (voice)

Videos & Trailers

Opening | Wake up Decker! - SCREEN mode [Subtitled]