Within the framework of a social comedy, the series revolves around psychological problems, as Hind has a complex and hates men strongly, while Selim suffers from some hallucinations and fantasies, and they go to treatment at a psychiatrist, and they are forced to help each other to treat their psychological complexes.
Season 1
Cast and Crew
Ahmed Hatem
Hana Al Zahed
Ashraf Abdel Baky
Ahmed Anan
Mohamed El Sawy
Salwa Mohamed Ali
Soliman Eid
Mohamed Tharwat
Mirhan Hussein
Mohamed Moula
Karim Afifi
Mohsen Mansour
Arefa Abdul Rasoul
Mohamed Anwar
Abeer Sabry
Mahmoud Alsisi
Mahmoud El-Bezzawy
Videos & Trailers
برومو مسلسل " أنا وهي " هنا الزاهد و احمد حاتم 2022