


SE 2

The Plot

Buried is a British television drama series, produced by World Productions for Channel 4 and originally screened in 2003. The programme starred Lennie James as Lee Kingley, who is serving a long prison sentence in order to protect a member of his family from a violent criminal. Critically well-received, the programme won the Best Drama Series category at the British Academy Television Awards in 2004.

Season 1


Cast and Crew

Connor McIntyre

Connor McIntyre

Martin Steddon

Jane Hazlegrove

Jane Hazlegrove

DD Burridge

Lennie James

Lennie James

Lee Kingley

Neil Fitzmaurice

Neil Fitzmaurice

Chris Russo

Neil Bell

Neil Bell

Slacker Courtenay

Smug Roberts

Smug Roberts


Daniel Lestuzzi

Daniel Lestuzzi

Crop Kid

Sean McKee

Sean McKee


Videos & Trailers

Channel 4's Buried DVD Trailer