

Red Cap




SE 3

The Plot

Red Cap is a British television drama series produced by Stormy Pictures for the BBC and broadcast on BBC One. Two series of six episodes each were produced following a feature length pilot. It featured the investigations of an Special Investigation Branch unit of the British Army based in Germany. Ostensibly the lead character was Sergeant Jo McDonagh, played by Tamzin Outhwaite, but the show was more of an ensemble piece, with several notable characters coming to prominence.



Cast and Crew

Tamzin Outhwaite

Tamzin Outhwaite

Sgt. Jo McDonagh

Douglas Hodge

Douglas Hodge

Raquel Cassidy

Raquel Cassidy

James Thornton

James Thornton

Gordon Kennedy

Gordon Kennedy

Blake Ritson

Blake Ritson

Poppy Miller

Poppy Miller

Chris O'Dowd

Chris O'Dowd

Bernie Maddox

Nigel Harman

Nigel Harman

Douglas Hodge

Douglas Hodge

Kenneth Burns

Videos & Trailers

No videos available