The Demon Headmaster is a British television series based on the children's books by Gillian Cross of the same name. Made for CBBC, the drama was first broadcast between 1996 and 1998. The first series contained six episodes, and aired twice weekly from 2 to 18 January 1996, the second series contained seven episodes, and aired once a week from 25 September to 6 November 1996, and the third series contained six episodes, and aired twice weekly from 6 to 22 January 1998.
School location scenes in the first series were filmed at Hatch End High School, in Hatch End, Harrow, North West London and The Royal Masonic School for Girls in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire. Other scenes were filmed around West London and the Vulcan Tower is in fact the Atrium building in Uxbridge. CGI was used to make this building appear on a traffic island close to Warwick Avenue tube station. Some scenes in the later series were filmed in the village of Sarratt, Hertfordshire and other locations in Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire.
Season 1
Cast and Crew
Terrence Hardiman
The Demon Headmaster
Tom Szekeres
Harvey Hunter
Alphonsia Emmanuel
Florence Hoath
Kristy Bruce
Nina Young
Richard Hope
Richard Janes
Tessa Peake-Jones
Mrs. Hunter
Tony Osoba
Frances Amey
Dinah Hunter
Gunnar Cauthery
Lloyd Hunter
Videos & Trailers
The Demon Headmaster (1996 BBC1 TV Series) Trailer