

Nighty Night




SE 3

The Plot

Nighty Night is a British dark comedy sitcom written by and starring Julia Davis. It was first broadcast on 6 January 2004 on BBC Three before moving to BBC2. Notorious for its dark humour, the show follows narcissistic sociopath Jill Tyrell – who manages a beauty parlour alongside her moronic, asthmatic assistant Linda – as she learns that her husband has cancer. She uses this fact to manipulate new neighbour Cathy Cole, a wheelchair user with multiple sclerosis whose husband Don, a womanising doctor, Jill has become obsessed with. The theme tune used in the beginning of both series and during the closing credits for the first is an excerpt from the spaghetti western My Name Is Nobody, composed by the Italian film composer Ennio Morricone. In June 2006 it was announced that Sex and the City creator Darren Star would write and be executive producer of a US version, which has been commissioned for a pilot script. Steve Coogan and Henry Normal, founders of the production company Baby Cow, were to be co-Executive-Producers.



Cast and Crew

Angus Deayton

Angus Deayton

Don Cole

Julia Davis

Julia Davis

Jill Tyrrell

Rebecca Front

Rebecca Front

Cathy Cole

Felicity Montagu

Felicity Montagu

Sue Forks

Ruth Jones

Ruth Jones


Mark Gatiss

Mark Gatiss

Glenn Bulb

Videos & Trailers

Nighty Night - Series 1 - Outtakes
Breaking the News - Nighty Night - BBC