In the small town of Jehanabad, where innocent love, in the form of a young independent college student and her professor, and intense violence, with the arrival of a seasoned Naxal commander and an ex-MLA eyeing the Dalit vote bank, are brewing parallelly, they are bound to cross paths.
Season 1
Cast and Crew
Naushaad Abbas
Harshita Gaur
Kasturi Mishra
Rajat Kapoor
Shivanand Singh
Ritwik Bhowmik
Abhimanyu Singh
Parambrata Chatterjee
Deepak Kumar
Rajesh Jais
Rajendra Mishra
Sonal Jha
Kumud Mishra
Satyadeep Misra
Durgesh Pratap Singh
Suneel Sinha
Jagmohan Kumar
Ramakant Dayma
Jailor Tripathi
Videos & Trailers
Jehanabad - Of Love & War | Official Trailer | Parambrata, Ritwik, Harshita, Rajat