



SE 1

The Plot

The story of Makino Mantaro (Kamiki Ryunosuke), a botanist who ran through the Meiji era (1868-1912) in full bloom, begins. Born the heir to the Tosa sake brewery Mineya, Mantaro (Yurito Mori) is a boy who loves plants and flowers and led a straightforward life. His life was colored by the many vivid encounters he had with many people. People whom Mantaro met in his hometown of Kochi, and whose way of life and words gave him a guideline for his life. "Ranman," is a drama in which charming characters bloom freely around the main character, Mantaro, just like flowers.

Season 1


Season Plot

The story of Makino Mantaro (Kamiki Ryunosuke), a botanist who ran through the Meiji era (1868-1912) in full bloom, begins. Born the heir to the Tosa sake brewery Mineya, Mantaro (Yurito Mori) is a boy who loves plants and flowers. He is sickly from birth and soon falls ill with a fever. Deeply hurt by his relatives' unkind words, "Mantaro should never have been born at all", Mantaro runs away from home, defying his mother Hisa (Ryoko Hirosue), who is lying in bed ill. He ends up at a shrine in the mountains behind his house, where he has a mysterious encounter with a mysterious warrior.

Cast and Crew

Ryunosuke Kamiki

Ryunosuke Kamiki

Makino Mantaro

Minami Hamabe

Minami Hamabe

Makino Sueko

Ryoko Hirosue

Ryoko Hirosue

Makino Hisa

Yui Sakuma

Yui Sakuma

Makino Aya

Keiko Matsuzaka

Keiko Matsuzaka

Makino Taki

Jun Shison

Jun Shison


Inoue Sora

Inoue Sora

Yamane Hironori

Videos & Trailers

Ranman Trailer Kamiki Ryunosuke

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