The story tells the legendary life of a singer and actress named Saloma. Starting from her lifeas a childhood, the separation of his parents, the pursuit of his dreams and the glorious romance in the twists and turns of her life.
Season 1
Cast and Crew
Nabila Huda
Tony Eusoff
P. Ramlee
Sazzy Falak
Mariam "Mariani" Ismail
Azhan Rani
A. R. Tompel
Hasnul Rahmat
Pak Mam Ismail (Saloma Stepfather)
Umi Kalsom Mahben
Sharifah Amani
Siput Sarawak
Julia Ziegler
Khairil Azim
Sazali P. Ramlee
Azlan Danial
Nasir P. Ramlee
Thor Kah Hoong
Run Run Shaw
Lim Soon Heng
Run Me Shaw
Zain Megat
Armalie Tompel (Young A. R. Tompel)
Shanthini Venugopal
Dr. Mary
Puteri Balqis
Salmah (Young Saloma)
Videos & Trailers
Saloma - Part 2 trailer ver 2
[promo] Saloma di Astro First Ekslusif Mulai 28 Ogos