The series is an adaptation of Mohammad Nazim Uddin best-selling eponymous novel. The story is about a sport-shooter who is forced into a life of crime and uses his shooting skills to assassinate.
Season 1
Season Plot
The story is about a sport-shooter who is forced into a life of crime and uses his shooting skills to assassinate.
Cast and Crew
Fazlur Rahman Babu
Intekhab Dinar
Rakib Hossain Evon
Ali Wahab Showhardo
Morshed Mishu
Zakia Bari Mamo
Sharaf Ahmed Zibon
Videos & Trailers
Agochora | A Binge Original | Official Trailer | Siddiq Ahamed | Releasing on August 10
অগোচরা | A Binge Original | Zakia Bari Momo | Fazlur Rahman Babu | Intekhab Dinar | Official Teaser