

Historical Puppet Spectacle: The Tale of the Heike


SE 5

The Plot

A stop-motion animated TV series based on the novel by Eiji Yoshikawa, featuring puppet art by Kihachirō Kawamoto. This is a historical picture scroll depicting various human characters, breathtaking battles and political struggles from the rise to fall of the Heike clan.



Cast and Crew

Morio Kazama

Morio Kazama

Misako Konno

Misako Konno

Renji Ishibashi

Renji Ishibashi

Leo Morimoto

Leo Morimoto

Shinichiro Okano

Shinichiro Okano

Mahito Tsujimura

Mahito Tsujimura

Ben Hiura

Ben Hiura

Ken Teraizumi

Ken Teraizumi

Kazuo Andō

Kazuo Andō

Morihiko Uchiyama

Morihiko Uchiyama

Videos & Trailers

人形歴史スペクタクル 平家物語 完全版  DVD