

Stargate Infinity


SE 1

The Plot

This DIC animated action-adventure series follows four exceptional Air Force Academy cadets and a wrongly court-martialed Stargate veteran as they travel planets through gated wormholes protecting a myst. Based on MGMs successful sci-fi franchise Stargate.

Season 1


Cast and Crew

Dale Wilson

Dale Wilson


Tifanie Christun

Tifanie Christun


Kathleen Barr

Kathleen Barr


Mark Hildreth

Mark Hildreth


Mackenzie Gray

Mackenzie Gray


Mark Acheson

Mark Acheson


Jim Byrnes

Jim Byrnes


Cathy Weseluck

Cathy Weseluck


Bettina Bush

Bettina Bush


Bettina Busch

Bettina Busch


Lee Tockar

Lee Tockar


Cusse Mankuma

Cusse Mankuma


Videos & Trailers

No videos available