

Angry Planet


SE 1

The Plot

Angry Planet is a 39-part television series broadcast around the world featuring the adventures of storm chaser George Kourounis, Angry Planet is produced by Peter Rowe of Pinewood Films. The series plays on the following networks: ⁕Outdoor Life Network ⁕Travel Channel ⁕Weather Channel ⁕TV8 ⁕MTV3 ⁕Canal Evasion ⁕TVB The first season of the series has also been released on DVD as a box set. Each episode focuses on a different force of nature as Kourounis gets up close to investigate and document the most fierce natural phenomena the Earth has to dish out.

Season 1


Cast and Crew

George Kourounis

George Kourounis

Self - Host

Videos & Trailers

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