Archie Bunker's Place is an American sitcom originally broadcast on the CBS network, conceived in 1979 as a spin-off and continuation of All in the Family. While not as popular as its predecessor, the show maintained a large enough audience to last for four seasons, until its cancellation in 1983. In its first season, the show performed so well that it knocked Mork & Mindy out of its new Sunday night time slot.
Season 1
Cast and Crew
Carroll O'Connor
Archie Bunker
Danielle Brisebois
Stephanie Mills
Allan Melvin
Anne Meara
Veronica Rooney
Jason Wingreen
Barbara Meek
Denise Miller
Billie Bunker
Videos & Trailers
Rob Reiner on the creative process on "All in the Family" - EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG
Rob Reiner on getting cast on "All in the Family" - EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG
Jean Stapleton discusses Edith's death on "Archie Bunker's Place" - EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG
Jean Stapleton discusses getting cast on "All in the Family" - EMMYTVLEGENDS.ORG