

Elite Yankee Saburo


SE 1

The Plot

Based on the comedy manga by Abe Shuji, "Elite Yankee Saburo" tells the story of Ookochi Saburo (Ishiguro Hideo), a plain and shy boy entering high school. Unfortunately for him, his two older brothers had built a reputation as legendary troublemakers at that school. When Saburo arrives, he is immediately misunderstood and treated as an "elite yankee."

Episode 1 to 11


Season Plot

Based on the comedy manga by Abe Shuji, "Elite Yankee Saburo" tells the story of Ookochi Saburo (Ishiguro Hideo), a plain and shy boy entering high school. Unfortunately for him, his two older brothers had built a reputation as legendary troublemakers at that school. When Saburo arrives, he is immediately misunderstood and treated as an "elite yankee."

Cast and Crew

Hideo Ishiguro

Hideo Ishiguro


Toshiyuki Itakura

Toshiyuki Itakura

Kana Kurashina

Kana Kurashina

Haruna Asai

Jun Hashimoto

Jun Hashimoto

Mitsuki Koga

Mitsuki Koga

Kazuyoshi Ozawa

Kazuyoshi Ozawa

Hitoshi Ozawa

Hitoshi Ozawa

Meiken Itô

Meiken Itô

Kosaku Tsuda

Kosaku Tsuda



Ryôtarô Shimizu

Ryôtarô Shimizu

Gô Ibusuki

Gô Ibusuki

Kenji Kodama

Kenji Kodama

Tetsuhiro Ikeda

Tetsuhiro Ikeda

Misa Kikouden

Misa Kikouden

Haruka Nishimoto

Haruka Nishimoto

Mitsuho Ōtani

Mitsuho Ōtani

Yukie Nakama

Yukie Nakama

Tsukasa Minami

Tsukasa Minami

Shou Nishino

Shou Nishino

Mei Itoya

Mei Itoya

Yousuke Itou

Yousuke Itou

Videos & Trailers

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