





SE 1

The Plot

3 South is an American animated series that aired on MTV. The show focused on two lifelong friends, Sanford and Del, and their adventures at the fictional Barder College. With the exception of their roommate Joe, nearly everyone at Barder is stupid and inept. Nonetheless, the idiotic, irresponsible, and thoughtless Sanford and Del are portrayed as the series' heroes, whereas the responsible, intelligent Joe is the de facto villain in most episodes. The series was created by Family Guy veteran writers Mark Hentemann and Steve Callaghan, based on a short film they had created years earlier. It is to-date the only animated series produced for MTV by Warner Bros. Animation. The show's theme song is The Flaming Lips' song "Fight Test" from the album Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots.

Season 1


Cast and Crew

Brian Posehn

Brian Posehn

Brian Dunkleman

Brian Dunkleman

Seth MacFarlane

Seth MacFarlane

Mark Hentemann

Mark Hentemann

Fred Willard

Fred Willard

Billy West

Billy West

Grey DeLisle

Grey DeLisle

Jeffrey Tambor

Jeffrey Tambor

Joel Murray

Joel Murray

Kathleen Wilhoite

Kathleen Wilhoite

Lori Alan

Lori Alan

Kathy Kinney

Kathy Kinney

Martin Mull

Martin Mull

Phil LaMarr

Phil LaMarr

Rodger Bumpass

Rodger Bumpass

Tom Kenny

Tom Kenny

Videos & Trailers

No videos available