Grade-schooler Jason meets a Mecanimal, a transforming minicar from the alternate world of Triforce, named Evan. Jason and Evan are both searching for missing family members, and team up to help each other. Together, they meet more Mecanimals as they battle across dimensions and learn important lessons along the way.
Cast and Crew
So Yeon
Chan Na (voice)
Yoon Mi-na
Isobel (voice)
Lee Hyeon-jin
Vandyne (voice)
Kim Yul
Ryan (voice)
Videos & Trailers
Mecard Turning-opening song [2015]
[터닝메카드] 우리의 가슴을 설레게했던 터닝메카드가 다시 돌아왔다! - 터닝메카드 재방영 트레일러
Turning Mecard English Dub |Opening
[터닝 메카드] 엔딩 "호잇 호잇 따라 따라" Turning Mecard Ending
[터닝 메카드] 오프닝 "높이 날아" Turning Mecard Opening
Mecard English Opening "Mecardimal Go" (TV version)