LOOPDIDOO tells the adventures of an eager pup and his 5-year-old human, Petunia. Each day is a new slate for these two best pals, typically bringing much mischief along with fun times together. Sometimes they're joined by Loopdidoo's feline nemesis, Oodles, who keeps the doggy on his toes with his antics.
Cast and Crew
Michel Elias
Grabouillon (voice)
Sandrine Le Berre
Pétunia (voice)
Martial Le Minoux
Bagout Ragout (voice)
Brigitte Guedj
Basile / Cunégonde (voice)
Sophie Deschaumes
La Taupe / Maman (voice)
Marie-Charlotte Leclaire
Gladys (voice)
Boris Rehlinger
Kivala (voice)
Jérémy Prévost
Zazimute (voice)
Gabriel Le Doze
Gonzague (voice)
Marie Facundo
Anowak (voice)
Bob Buchholz
La famille Pucekipik (voice)
Videos & Trailers
Disney Junior - Loopdidoo Launch | Official Disney Junior Africa